Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? We're happy to help. Here are some of the common questions we get asked by our clients!
Do you provide free estimates or free quotes?
We do charge a small consultation fee of $50, but if that is an obstacle for you, we are happy to provide rough pricing over the phone or over text if you'll provide pictures and approximate measurements. We want to be as helpful as we can be. Click here to provide your phone number and address, and let us know what kind of work you're considering having done, and one of our landscape designers will reach out to answer any questions you have and schedule that initial consultation!
How long does an estimate take?
Our estimates take between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on how much time our client has and the kind of work they would like quoted.
What should I expect during the estimate?
Our designers will reach out to you ahead of time to let you know that they are on the way. When they arrive, they will walk the property with you, ask you questions about the work you're requesting, answer any questions you have, and take good notes and pictures of the property. In some cases, our designers can provide your estimate on the spot.
How long does it take to receive my landscape quote?
We do our absolute best to provide all quotes within 24 hours of the original walk-through. Your quote may take longer if we are unusually busy, or if we have to confirm pricing and availability on any of the materials you request.
How will I receive the proposal?
Our proposals can be sent via either email or text, whichever you prefer! You will receive a link that takes you to your client portal. In the portal, you can view your quote, request changes, or approve right then and there!
Is pricing flexible?
We do our very best to be as reasonable as possible on our prices. If you would like to use us for your project and price is getting in the way, let us know! We will be happy to work as hard as we can to keep your project within your budget goals.
What happens if I accept the proposal?
When you accept the quote on our client hub, you lock in your spot on our schedule. The designer you worked with from the start will carry your project all the way through to completion. We will immediately get to work reserving materials and scheduling labor. As soon as we have a tentative time on our schedule for you, we'll let you know!
Do you provide sketches or site plans?
Yes! Typically, the first thing you'll receive from us is our itemized quote. If after seeing the quote, you'd like to move forward with the project, we'd be happy to provide a sketch of your design for you or for your HOA application. If you'd like a more detailed site plan, we work with landscape architects who can get that done for us!
Is Redwood fully insured?
Absolutely! We are fully covered by both liability insurance and worker's compensation insurance. We would be happy to provide proof of insurance at your request!
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes we do! Our quotes assume that you will be paying with check, but we do accept payment through credit card for a 3% processing fee.
What are your policies, procedures, and warranties?
Click here for more detailed information about how we do business!